Getting Engaged?

Firstly, sorry, as this post might sound a bit 'ranty' but it's not meant to.  In fact quite the opposite, my goal in writing this post is actually to hopefully improve the situation for both the customer and the subject of this post; Consultants, and in particular, Management Consultants

I'm sure for all of us Consulting conjures up images and feelings ranging from the helpful expert bringing an 'outside in', industry perspective, to the classic removal of your own wrist watch and then paying a consultant to tell you the time (yes, I've heard most consulting jokes as a consultant!)

...and I really want to be honest, I don't have anything against Consultants, far from it, Hell I was / am a consultant, so I really believe they can bring a lot of value

But (and there is a but), I believe there is a problem today in that too many consulting engagements lose their way and stop answering the questions, or realizing the outcomes that were originally agreed and embarked upon

What begins as extremely valuable external, expertise, providing advice and help on how to deal with a particular problem, or realize a desired outcome, starts to become maybe more self serving.  Questions start to be asked, typically by experts in the customer organisation; 'who is actually the customer here?', us or the Consulting Organisation and which outcome and whose interests we are trying to serve?

Now as an external Consultant, whose been on both sides of the fence, I'd hate it if I thought I was serving myself or my company more than my Customer’s needs; if my integrity or motivation was being questioned.  Why my advisory engagement might be continuing long after it was due to complete or the value I believe I should be providing isn't being recognized by many experts I’m working with

There are myriad of reasons as to why this might be the case, ranging from the Machiavellian prolonging of an Engagement to meet the revenue targets of the Consulting company or individual Consultant, through to the changing needs of the customer or learning from what we're implementing

However, in all cases I believe one thing that can greatly help the perceived and actual outcome for the Consultant, and the Consulting engagement, is how the Engagement is managed and who owns the Consulting relationship

Whenever possible I would suggest the following to any customer Organisation using external (Management) Consultants - Change the communication and engagement path for consultants...or more simply put, change who the constants actually work for day-to-day

Have experts in your organisation own Outcomes and relationship with the Consultants.  Let the internal people in the Organisation, with with the expertise in the subject matter and a vested interest in the changes that are being made in the long(ger) term outcomes and success of the company, drive the engagement with the Consultants.  The recommendations, plans, design, strategies and advice being provided are developed; owned and provided by your own, internal experts with advice from the Consultants

Have internal experts and the ultimate decision makers in an Organisation all feel invested of what is being proposed: shared responsibility and collaboration

Break the relationship where Consulting engagements and the Consultants work directly with senior stakeholders ONLY, using internal people as a means to gather data and insights.  Instead let the internal experts engage, present and make recommendations with the senior stakeholders and internal sponsors (alongside the Consultants where it makes sense) but not to exclude them from the discussions and decision making

I honestly believe that a model in which experts within an Organisation manage the day-to-day engagement with External Consultants leads to better, sustainable outcomes.  Less finger pointing and internal demotivation and, more importantly, everyone feeling like they are part of the proposed solution or advice that benefits the Customer organisation where original goals or target outcomes are kept in focus

So to move from the Engagement model on the left to maybe something more like the one on the right...

...a small change but one that could help everyone involved?


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